NEWS: Brit-PACT Research Grant 2025

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Brit-PACT Research Grant 2025


Brit-PACT will be awarding one research grant of up to £25,000 in 2025. The award will be in memory of Dr Deepak Jadon, a valued member of the Brit-PACT steering committee, who sadly died in 2023.


The grant applications (proposals) will be invited to address an issue of importance and relevance to psoriatic disease and in line with the aims/purposes of Brit-PACT (to relieve sickness and to preserve and protect good health for the public benefit by promoting public and medical knowledge, and excellence through education and research with particular reference to the diseases of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis).


Proposals will likely be for pilot studies to gather data for a full grant application to an alternative source of funding. As such proposals should be first authored by junior faculty with the support of more senior people.

Applicants do not have to be medical to apply but should be members of Brit-PACT.

Applications should demonstrate strong patient involvement and engagement throughout and should demonstrate how the project addresses prioritised unmet needs identified by the James Lind Priority setting partnership for PsA ( ).


Proposal evaluation, by committee, including patient partners, will be in the following categories on a scale of 1-outstanding, 2 excellent, 3 very good, 4 good, 5 fair, for the 7 categories listed below. Also, an overall impact score on a scale from 1-5 for the proposal.

  • Innovation
  • Strength of research strategy, methodology, and analyses
  • Strength of research environment (to include strength of mentorship if applicable)
  • Relevance to psoriatic disease
  • Likelihood that proposed aims will be successfully accomplished
  • Likelihood that the project will lead to long-term funding from a different agency
  • Presentation of potential pitfalls, alternative strategies, and benchmarks


Applications should be structured and consist of a title, abstract (including a lay abstract), introduction, aims and objectives, methods, timelines and budget, within four A4 pages.


A short curriculum vitae will be required for each applicant. Where possible a supporting letter from the institution should be provided.

Applications should be sent to Brit-PACT


Timelines: Deadline for applications is 24th January 2025, review and decision by 24th March 2025.